If you and your partner are looking for something new and exciting to do on an evening or day at home, why not try the couples calling chatline?! It’s a great way for you to become even more intimate with one another because you can really get to know your partner’s desires as well as shares your own together with strangers. Sometimes as couples we get used to a routine but on the free taboo phone chat, you can experience all kinds of mobile phone sex with sexy strangers!

To get started to pick up your mobile phone and dial in and you’ll be connected right away to a new guy. It’s a good idea to have a brief conversation with your partner before you dial-in to make sure you’re on the same page. Once you are connected to a guy talk and see what you have in common and decide if it’s a good fit for what you are wanting to experience. If for one reason or another, the guy you’re speaking with isn’t a good match, say goodbye and end the call. You can always redial the chat line number and speak with someone new.

Some phone sex tips for partners include being able to be open about your desires and boundaries prior to getting on the phone and in the moment. Respect each other and allow each other to experience what is wanted from over the phone fun. Be creative and use your imagination when it comes to phone play. Allow yourself to speak up as well as listen to what others have to say. Try new things to learn more about yourself, your partner, and new phone pals. The chat lines are always open so you and your partner can find a time that works for the both of you and always get connected to new guys over the phone.