Sharing coming out stories is fun and helps you understand other gay men. You can meet guys around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by picking up your mobile phone and dialing one of the free live chat numbers. Every time you do, you’ll be connected to someone new and they can take some time talking and seeing how you want to relate to one another.

Every once in a blue moon, you may find that you don’t like where the conversation is headed or you simply don’t feel a strong connection to the person you’re speaking with. But don’t let this bother you too much if it’s just not working out, no need to stay on the call. Say goodbye and move on to a new conversation.

One of the most interesting topics to bring up on the free chatlines gay community are coming out stories. You can likely relate to many of the men who express them to you and it’s an interesting way to find out about other men who live far and near you. You can even tell them your coming out story and how you have changed since then. There is nothing wrong with expressing and sharing your life with others. Listening is also a part of the communication game. Learn more about yourself and others any time you dial in.

If you’re new to the chatlines and are wondering how to talk dirty on the phone all you really have to understand is what you desire. Then express to your phone pal what you find hot. Then get more detailed and take off your pants. Then listen to what he says about desire. Keep touching yourself and repeat. Share old sex stories or develop a fantasy or two. All is right on the chatlines.